activeX - This Site utilizes activeX Controls - some effects may not be available to all viewers. |
AMY FROM MARS - Logo design for the SquirreLink® Directory's sister page; 'AMY FROM MARS' - the Interactive Novel. |
AUDIO - Site Contains Sound Effects / Audio Clips - may be unavailable to some browsers!! |
COOKING - This Site Contains Cooking Info - Not necessarilly Squirrel Cookery!! |
e-mail - Site lets you e-mail them directly for more information, exchange ideas, or just to say hello!! |
EDUCATIONAL - This Site Contains Educational Information About Squirrels, or other wildlife!! |
ElectroPromo - Find out about ElectroPromo Web Page Design at Amy From Mars - how the squirrel trys to make a living!! |
FAVORITES - Some of the SquirreLink® gang's Favorite Squirrelly Pages, and other sites of interest!! |
INFO - HELP - Get Information and General Help on Navigating this site, Cyberspace, the Internet and World Wide Web, and Life itself!! |
HOT - This Icon graces those few pages that exemplify the true spirit of Squirrelly Home Page content and originality, or we just liked it!! |
HUMOR (COMICS) - Itchy and Scratchy - the only humorous animated icon we could find to represent the lighter side of Squirreldom!! |
EP.TO - The EP Construction Company - Web Page Construction, Repair, and Maintenance!! |
JAVA - This site contains JAVA Applets that may not be available to some viewers web browsers!! |
JavaScript - JS - JavaScript used in the production of this site may create objects not viewable with by Web Browsers!! |
JOIN - Join this site, or Sign-Up for something that the site supports - proceed at your own risk!! |
LINKS - This site contain lots of Links to other Squirrelly sites, and occasional odds and ends depending on the authors tastes!! |
MOVIES - Stop by this Site and view some Mini-Movies about Squirrels, Wildlife, or whatever the author thought you needed to see!! |
MUSIC - Site features musical offerings!! Some sites may required Crescendo, or other music software that is usually downloadable via the site or a link!! |
NEW - New to the SquirreLink® Directory!! Stop by, check them out, and let us know what you think!! |
NO SQUIRRELS!! - Not every site on the web is a Squirrel Page, and these sites go out of there way to prove it!! We like'em anyway! |
ORIGINALS - by SquirreLink® - Our own collection of stuff from the world of the squirrel!! |
PICTURES - This Site Contains Pictures and Photos of Squirrels, and / or other wildlife friends!! |
REGISTER - This Site Requests (and sometimes insists) that you registe with them for any number of reasons that they will explain to you!! |
SPEND - Get out your wallet - This Site Has Some Stuff That You Just Must Have To Lead A Rich, Fulfilling Existance!! |
SQUIRREL - Generic Default Squirrel Stuff Found Here - We're not really sure what this catagory is!! |
SquirreLink® - more SquirreLink® odds and ends!! If anyone has a better looking logo to offer us, please get in touch!! |
STAR TREK - For some reason lots of Squirrel fans seem to enjoy Trek as well - this site has some Trek related stuff!! |
STORIES - Stories about Squirrels, or in some cases by Squirrels!! Also, may contain poetry about squirrels, essays, or other artistic documents!! |
STRANGE SIDE - The Stranger Side of Squirreldom!! Things that are slightly askew - seeing is believing department!! |
UPDATED - Some of the material at this Site has been recently UPDATED with fresh fodder for your squirrelly appetite feeder!! - whatever that means?? |
VBScript - This site employes VBScript which may cause some problems for Netscape Navigator users!! |
VIDEO - This Site Contains Mini-Video action featuring our squirrelly friends, or other suitable wildlife squirrel wantabees!! |
WILDLIFE - This Site Features non-squirrel creatures of lesser status, but we threw them in for the sake of political correctness!! |
WORLD - All the world is just one big backyard, and we think you know who is holding all of the nuts!! |