Squirrel Specifics |
Eastern Grey Squirrel Information This Canadian site features the most common of squirrels - the Eastern Grey Squirrel. The page contains pics, audio, and info. |
Flying Squirrels This is a text only site featuring a reprint of an Encyclopedia Brittanica entry about Flying Squirrels. |
Northern Flying Squirrels More Squirrel information from Caltech. This time it's info, pics, and drawings of the Northern Flying Squirrel. |
The Tree Squirrel Place This site contains a brief history of the squirrel, a squirrel computer game featuring Skunny the Squirrel, and musc more!! |
Texas Antelope Squirrels From the University of Texas at El Paso you'll find information about the Texas Antelope Squirrel!! |
Rock Squirrel Information Again from the University of Texas at El Paso you'll find information about the Rock Squirrel!! |
Nutsy's Homepage This page contains a reprint of information about Flying Squirrels from the Friends of Nature International. |
The Mexican Ground Squirrel From Texas Parks and Wildlife we have information and pictures of the Mexican Squirrel. |
The Southern Flying Squirrel This site has pictures, drawings, and information about the Southern Flying Squirrel from Nebraska Wildlife. |