Squirrel Conspiracies |
Killer Squirrels! Getting to this site can be a little tricky as it is part of a University site. Go t the site, click on SEARCH, and type in SQUIRRELS. |
Small Grey Beasts This page offers photographic evidence of the great squirrel conspiracy worldwide. |
Squirrels and Their Master Plans "Proof positive that not all Brits are sitting around simpering about their precious red squirrels. " |
Squirrels! By squishy.org From UCLA campus in Los Angeles this conspiracy site offers recipes, poems, and more. |
The Cult of Ratatösk the Squirrel" Here you'll find a bizarre, squirrel-worshipping pagan cult. Apparently, Ratatösk is a minion of the devil. Big surprise. |
The Grand Rodent Conspiracy This is another fine Brisish site exposing the Grand Squirrel Conspiracy. |
Squirrel Conspiracies The X-FILES f Squirreldom!! Great place to hang-out!! Conspiracy tales, stories from the edge, and proof of big brothers cover-up!! |